31st AUGUST 2022 – Fort Augustus Memorial Hall
Deirdre MacKinnon (DM) – Chair
Iain MacKnocher (IM) – Vice chair
Helen Clay (HC)– Secretary
Mike Anderson (MA) – Treasurer
Jeff Dymond (JD)
Cllr David Fraser (DF)
Cllr Chris Ballance (CB)
Jill Wyatt
Robert MacDonald
In Attendance:
Clare Pegrum (CP)
IaIn Leaver (IL) FAGCC
Proposed by MA
Seconded by JD
Clare Pegrum was co-opted on to the Community Council. Proposed by DM and seconded by IM.
Invermoriston Toilets - Two volunteers have been cleaning the toilets but that has now been taken over by the Highland Council.
Invermoriston Speed Limit - DF has written to Transport Scotland and once a reply has been received a group can be set up in the future.
Glenmoriston Estate Access – DM hasn’t heard back so still ongoing.
Community Gardens & Allotments - IL was invited to speak about the gardens and allotment. The Lovat can't lease the lawns at the hotel to the group but they are keen for us all to still work together. A topographical survey has been done on both sites (Lovat and Convent land). The no dig method will be used which requires lots of cardboard which can be dropped off at the FAGCC office. DF hasn’t had any feedback from Highland Council regarding the land at the side of Abertarff Place
Scottish Canals – HC had an email back from Ailsa Andrews at Scottish Canals about the state of the Pier viewpoint and the fact part of it has been cordoned off by metal fencing for years. Work is due to start from 26th September for 3 weeks. The Scottish Canals estate team have been advised to cut the garden at Caledonian House.
Pier Parking – DM has emailed Alan Johnstone and John Taylor as the parking along Oich Road and at the viewpoint is very bad and also about the potholes at the canalside which needs urgent attention. DM to contact Shane Manning.
Ardachy Junction – CP brought up the speeding on the Ardachy road. As part of planning conditions for the wind farm, works vans are prohibited from using the road. DM suggested that planning could be contacted if the condition is being ignored. Potholes have been fixed and vegetation cut back. DF to speak to John Taylor about getting signs saying the road is unsuitable for large vehicles.
Unauthorised Signage – ongoing.
Broadband – ongoing.
Police Report:
There have been a number of road traffic collisions. 3 reports of careless driving and a number of reports for other driving offences, usage of mobile phone while driving and driving without licence and insurance.
There have been several instances where officers were required to assist with the wellbeing of members of the community.
There were two calls for misuse of alcohol/drugs,
Local officers have been attended several incidents in relation to drones being flown.
HC has asked if a local Police representative could start attending the Community Council meetings again as they did pre-Covid.
Treasurer’s Report:
As of 24.08.22, the balance is £4,204.49. Annual accounts need to be done and sent out. The CC donated £250 to the Sheepdog Trials.
Renewable Energy:
Tomchrasky – Consultation ongoing. There is a meeting at the Millennium Hall in Invermoriston on 21st September 3pm – 6pm
Cloiche – DF anticipated this to come in front of the planning committee in November.
Culachy (Fred Olsen Renewables) - November planning.
Bunloinn – November planning.
Coire Glas – The Community Council could ask for some underground cables as a planning gain. DM asked if we should have a separate liaison group.
Bhlaraidh – ongoing. The HC has no objections.
Planning & Licensing:
Fort Augustus -
22/03727/ADV Canal Centre – erection of fascia sign and canopy
22/03236/PAN Mountain bike trail centre – 1200m east of Ardachy House
Glenmoriston -
22/03580/FUL Trees for Life Dundreggan – deer larder and shed – 190m NE Coille Bheithe
There have been many complaints about the state of the Fort Augustus toilets. The HC would be willing to transfer the toilets to the community. The toilets take £50,000 per annum. IL stated that FAGCC will have a look at the figures but are not particularly interested in running the toilets. Drumnadrochit toilets are run by the community and it seems to be going very well
A letter has been received about the traffic at Redburn. Cars and coaches parking dangerously on the verge to feed the cows in the field.
The sheepdog trials at Borlum Farm made £5000. All profits will be going to Raigmore Children’s Ward.
MA – When the car park extension was opened, the CC were told that the community were entitled to some of the money from parking charges but we haven’t received anything - DF to look into.
IL – Memorial Hall update – IL has a meeting 1st September concerning the asset transfer.
Glentarff House – FAGCC are getting a valuation and appraisal done towards the end of September.
FAGCC have now got a lease so the Elsan point should be put in soon.
DM - Inchnacardoch Bay – Motorhomes parking overnight although there are signs up.
Community Assets – the CC own the Kirton Memorial and the walkway and ground at Inchnacardoch Bay. IL to look at FAGCC taking over Inchnacardoch Bay.
HC – complaints about the viewpoint bins overflowing. FAGCC empty the bins twice a day.
Abertarff playpark’s bin was removed and Highland Council haven’t sent a replacement yet.
Tarff Bridge – the bollards haven’t been replaced yet and the holes could be very dangerous, the sandbags keep getting moved. DF to look into this matter.
Next meeting will be held at 7.30 pm on Thursday, 29th September at Glenmoriston Millennium Hall.