Fort Augustus & Glenmoriston Community Council

Draft Minutes of meeting held at the Memorial Hall, Fort Augustus

on Wednesday 25th September 2024



Helen Clay - Vice-Chair (HC)

Mike Anderson - Treasurer (MA)

Claire Pegrum - Secretary (CP)

Clare Levings (CL)

Leanne Findlay (LF)



Deirdre MacKinnon - Chair (DM)

Jenny Findlay (JF)

Daniel Clark (DC)

Rachel Hayes (RH) Minute Taker Leanne Findlay

Cllr. David Fraser (DF)

Cllr. Chris Ballance (CB)


Previous Minutes:

Proposed by MA, seconded by HC


Matters Arising:

Redburn traffic ongoing

Janitor s House ongoing

Empty Homes more information has been passed to the Highland Council and remains ongoing.

Glenmoriston Estate ongoing

Fort Augustus parking - An email has been received from David Fraser confirming a Parking Enforcement Officer will be provided for 3 days per week from next year.

Bus from Fort Augustus to Drumnadrochit. The CC has been informed this is a service bus but it picks up from the car park and not the bus stop. DM has contacted four ward councillors and MSP Kate Forbes regarding the impact this has on the village school and the issue remains ongoing. Discussion regarding why pupil numbers are reducing and how vital a school is to the local community. HC to speak to the school to find out if there are any particular issues impacting on pupil attendance, such as teacher accommodation etc, and whether there is any assistance the CC or Community Company can provide.

Inchnacardoch Bay New signage has been erected. An email has been received regarding an event and whether it could be launched from the bay. Considering the number of vehicles detailed for the event and the ongoing issue of possible liability, it was deemed unsuitable for this event. A reply will be sent via email suggesting a more suitable alternative location.

There is ongoing discussion between the Community Company solicitors and the CC solicitors regarding the fishing rights for Lord Lovat and the burdens detailed on the deeds.

20mph restriction in Fort Augustus and speed camera ongoing


Treasurer s Report:

Current balance is 6667.95. 2,500 from Community Company towards solicitor costs.


Renewable Energy Projects:

Bhlaraidh SSE Community Liaison Group. Would we want a separate liaison group for the Bhlaraidh sub station or add this to the current group? Agreed that this could be dealt with via the existing liaison group with the inclusion of LF on discussions relating to Bhlaraidh.

Balfour Beatty plans to extend the site accommodation for workers. They have offered to meet with DM, who will deal with their request upon her return from holiday.

Cllr. Crawford Highland Council Motion - Email from Community Company regarding the motion proposed by Cllr. Helen Crawford. The motion includes the requirement for the Highland Council to provide a real time map of all energy projects so the cumulative impact can be better assessed, training on planning process to community councils and that grid connections form part of the community consultation requirements.

Tomchrasky they are waiting for a response regarding community benefit payments. Agreed to put to them 10k per MW to be paid from the start of construction.

Ian Kelly ongoing. Discussion regarding clarifying exactly what help the Community Council require. Further discussion at next meeting.

Glen Earrach They have asked if they could attend the Community Council November meeting. Agreed this would be of interest to the local community and to hold this meeting at Invermoriston and for their attendance to be widely advertised in advance to enable the community at large to attend.

Culachy News that the Highland Council are likely to object. Hearing is on 1st October and will then go to Scot Gov for consideration.

General discussion about the impact the loss of the winter fuel payment may have on vulnerable elderly residents within the community HC to speak to the Community Company to see if there are any possible options.



Ref: 24/03150/FUL
Location: Auchterawe Substation
Proposal: Extension - comprising platform extension, erection of substation buildings, associated plant and infrastructure, associated ancillary development, drainage infrastructure, temporary construction compound and laydown area(s)
Applicant: Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission Plc

Notes: Increases area of substation by nearly 50%.

Concern that actions from previous work such as replanting, enforcement of tidying up, dumping of tyres etc has not been done. They will also need to move a pylon. A comment will be lodged regarding mitigations and enforcement.

Location: Glentarff, Canalside South, Fort Augustus PH32 4AU
Proposal: Formation of flat and maisonette and erection of extension
Applicant: Fort Augustus And Glenmoriston Community Company

No objection

Ref: 24/03875/S37
Location: Auchterawe Substation
Proposal: Permanent relocation of a single tower
Applicant: Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission Plc

Notes: Effectively part of 24/03150/FUL above

Ref: 24/03973/FUL
Location: Bailemhulin, Fort Augustus PH32 4BW
Proposal: Conversion of garage to short term holiday letting and family use annexe
Applicant: Mr & Mrs A. Pemberton

No objection


Major Variation
Location: Great Glen Trading Centre, Fort Augustus PH32 4DD
Applicant: Penny Petroleum (Scotland) Ltd

Nothing contentious


Community Amenity Issues:

Scottish Canals ongoing. Email regarding the Canal placing a chain across the access to stop people parking, however this is causing a knock-on impact of vehicles then trying to turn around in a confined space. Will chase up for a meeting with Scottish Canals to try to address the problems.

Slipway correspondence ongoing

20mph in Invermoriston email received from a member of the public regarding the speed of vehicles. BEAR to review a pedestrian crossing in the village.




Walking on the canal bridge can be a slip hazard as water lies on it. Bear/Transport Scotland to be chased up.

Ride Ness Their event was well attended and some concerns raised regarding the path that has been suggested and an objection on this point to be made. There was a recent accident on Tarff bridge and it was reiterated that the need for this road to be suitable for the increase in traffic due to Ride Ness needs to be addressed.

Invermoriston no advance warning was given to residents on the broadband installation work and this is causing residents problems.

Local Place Plan could we run a your community needs you! event with the Community Company to address the priorities raised in the LPP survey and to try to get more community involvement.

Highland Council Scheme Review - CP went through the Highland Council Scheme Review and attending members completed the review. Points to note were whether the boundary for the area is correct and was deemed to be so. Another point of interest is whether the Community Council (CC) is able to recruit enough members. Currently have enough members to function but remains a point of concern for the future. There is the possibility of having a Young Person on the CC could we address this? HC to speak to the Kilchuimen Academy to see if this is something we could liaise on.

Discussion regarding the profile of the CC. What could we do to raise the profile of the CC and gain more engagement with the local community? Discussion of whether it would be possible to circulate the agendas, minutes of meetings and dates of meetings more widely on social media to remind the community of what is being discussed and to encourage attendance and engagement.

Core costs are the minute taker, insurance and the website.

HIE Common Wealth Building - This is an 87-page survey. The Community Company may be better placed to respond to this considering the questions asked. CP to forward to Community Company for their input.



Next meeting is at the Memorial Hall, Fort Augustus on 30th October 2024 at 7.30pm.