Fort Augustus & Glenmoriston Community Council

Draft Minutes of meeting held at the Memorial Hall, Fort Augustus

on Wednesday 30th October 2024



Deirdre MacKinnon - Chair (DM)

Jenny Findlay Vice Chair (JF)

Helen Clay - (HC)

Claire Pegrum - (CP)

Clare Levings (CL)

Leanne Findlay (LF)

Daniel Clark (DC)

Cllr. David Fraser (DF)



Mike Anderson - (MA)

Rachel Hayes (RH) Minute Taker D Crawford


Previous Minutes:

Proposed by CP, seconded by CL

Community Council - Scheme of Establishment

Discussion took place about attendance requirements at community council meetings as per Highland Council rules.

Since the last meeting HC and CP resigned as office bearers but will remain on as councillors. DF confirmed that the community council requires three office bearers to function. It was proposed by DM that JF would be Vice-chair and seconded by CL.

Matters Arising:

Inchnacardoch Bay The breakdown in discussions with the Community Company caused the resignation of community council office bearers no longer willing to bear the individual personal responsibility for liability. Without office bearers, the community council would go into abeyance (Inch Bay would be held in Trust by Highland Council but could not be disposed of by them). Lorn MacKay and Chris Nelson, directors of the Community Company stated that contrary to belief by the Council, there was almost 100% agreement that Inch Bay should be for the community. However, the company cannot knowingly take on burdens and liabilities. A discussion took place about the manner of communication, proceedings and definitions of terms. Solicitors were supposed to be handling legal aspects of proof but it had been necessary for DM to engage an alternate in an attempt to progress. LF urged that both Council and Company needed to ensure continued communication for the sake of the community.

A resident proposed that a third way was possible and supplied information about creation of a Community Interest Company as a social enterprise - another type of non-profit (but outside the scope of OSCR) which could never be a private limited company. Inch Bay would be held as an asset for the community which could never be sold or borrowed against. Costs estimated to be in the region of 2000 for initial set-up, liability insurance and audited accounts for the year. The CIC could apply to funders to improve and potentially increase moorings. Boat owners would pay annually for those moorings and access to the shoreline, West Coast average being 200, with locals having preferential rate.

Discussion and questions raised about land/bay ownership and the water of the Ness being outside the scope of that ownership. Further investigation required. Councillors concurred that Inch Bay was most definitely a community asset and that the CIC might be the way forward but firstly CL and JF proposed to allow a further month for negotiations to resume with the Community Company now that alternate solicitors have been engaged. Council agreed.

Redburn traffic bollard installation postponed owing to proposed cement-setting (instead of temporary installation that can be removed if trial was unsuccessful). Summer grazing now ended so the effects of bollards, once installed, won t be seen until next year.

Empty Homes/Short-term let Highland Council officer to be told that the Community Company is not able to progress the purchase of private homes. DF advises that the Community Council approach other Glen villages to begin the process of creating a short-term let control area. Once established, licences would require planning permission, and could be refused.

Glenmoriston Estate ongoing legal action by Highland Council could take many years to conclude, with the estate claiming that the land is a private residential garden.

Fort Augustus parking - As reported in the September minutes DF confirmed a Parking Enforcement Officer will be provided for 3 days (randomly) per week from next year.

Service Bus from Fort Augustus to Drumnadrochit school - although a service bus it does not allow non-school passengers and does not use service stops. Query raised about who commissioned and is paying for this service that is so detrimental to our school and villages.

Speeding in Fort Augustus - 20mph restriction is to remain and DF advised that other measures will now be added to enforce it. Those present expressed concern that the start of the 20 limit was causing dangerous overtaking on Market Hill, and should be located at the existing 30 limit. Suggestion that the flash sign should be reinstated, and/or a speed camera.

Loss of the winter fuel payment HC to speak to the Community Company to see if there are any possible options for the vulnerable elderly residents within the community.

Local Place Plan - draft plan has been advertised and public meetings arranged for both Invermoriston and Fort Augustus.

Young Person on the Community Council - HC to speak to the Kilchuimen Academy (Schools are involved in the Youth Parliament so this may be of interest).


Treasurer s Report:

Current balance is 7214.78 with a deposit of 546.83 annual grant deposited from Highland Council this month and 1500 ring-fenced from Community Company towards solicitor costs.

After several years at the current rate, Etape had agreed to increase the annual payment. Remembrance wreaths ordered.


Planning Applications Validated 25/09/24 28/10/24

Ref: 24/03731/FUL

Location: Land 70M West of Inchnacardoch Lodge Hotel

Proposal: Erection of 10no. holiday accommodation units

Applicant: Inchnacardoch Lodge Ltd

Notes: Ten wood clad cabins, 14 parking spaces and access track on land to the right of Inch Hotel drive.

Ref: 24/03895/FUL

Location: Muir Pit, Auchterawe

Proposal: Change of use of land to temporary site compound

Applicant: John Wood Group PLC

Notes: Temporary application for 30 months. In the former sand pit on Forestry land approx. 700m SW of substation/140m NW of River Oich. Modular office and welfare units stacked to a height of 4.4m. Applicant says buildings won t be visible from village side due to depth of sand pit and existing scrub at top of pit. For the Skye Reinforcement project.


Renewable Energy Projects:

Bhlaraidh extension SSE Community Liaison Group to take place in November

Balfour Beatty plans to extend the site accommodation for workers. Consultation on 13 November at FA village hall and follow-up consultation on 11 December. Reinstatement concerns.

Loch Kemp - no comment

Glen Earrach attendance in Invermoriston at the next Community Council in November.

Cnoc Farasd scoping - out of area.

DF speaking with SSE regarding problems remaining after projects that have been previously approved; mud, quality of trees etc. CP recently commented on an SSEN application and queried whether there is a mechanism for following up.

No comments for other planning

Community Amenity Issues:

Ben Donaldson, Highland Broadband can be contacted for any installation issues including reinstatement of verges.

Scottish Canals ongoing. Resident reports that campervan (human) waste is being left in the parking area - found by his dog during walks. DM questioned the ability of a site to be located in close proximity to s school. A resident reports that SC is apparently applying for a Camping & Caravanning licence in order for infrastructure to be installed and potentially more than the five campervans allowed by the Aire scheme. DF commented that this would allow for concerns to be addressed by the HC planning committee.

Bear/Transport Scotland is not maintaining the swing bridge. Walking on the canal bridge is a slip hazard as water lies on it. Treacherous when icy.

Invermoriston car park has large potholes - CL questioned if the car parking money would be used to remedy the problem. DF reported that the HC committee had yet to agree on the mechanism for distribution of the money to communities.

There is a request for signs for the general waste bins - currently located separately from the bottle banks owing to access issues and available space.

The Invermoriston shop is waiting for a larger commercial bin.

Dog fouling - Cllr DF confirmed that a civil fine requires two witnesses and a report within seven days

CityLink continues to dispute the location of stops, missing long-established stops. CP to continue to chase.

The Give-way sign at the Fire Station needs reinstatement.

DM to contact Highland Council about A82 transport issues.



Cobbs have renamed their accommodation properties to Loch Ness Gatehouse apartments. No council objection.

Community resilience questionnaire received from Highland Council - CP to circulate to councillors for their input.

A resident reported that the leaseholders of the chip shop are experiencing issues of parking by a HC parking attendant on their own land which adjoins the main car park.

A resident asked if the bins at the front of the village hall could be relocated. He felt it made the area look untidy and it seems they belong to residents on Free Church Road and not the village hall. DF confirmed that a bye-law exists for residents to remove their bins once emptied.

A resident asked if A82 litter-picking can be coordinated during closed-road events/road works.

Following a resident request, the Community Council agreed to become a member of the Highland Environment Forum. LF agreed to receive email communications over the winter season but would be too busy thereafter.


Next meeting is at the Glenmoriston Millennium Hall, Invermoriston on 27th November 2024 at 7.30pm.