Fort Augustus & Glenmoriston Community Council
Draft Minutes of meeting held at the Millennium Hall, Invermoriston
on Wednesday 27th
November 2024
Deirdre MacKinnon - Chair (DM)
Jenny Findlay - Vice-Chair (JF)
Mike Anderson - Treasurer (MA)
Helen Clay - (HC)
Claire Pegrum - (CP)
Clare Levings (CL)
Leanne Findlay (LF)
Cllr. David Fraser (DF)
Daniel Clark (DC)
Cllr. Chris Ballance (CB)
Minute Taker D Crawford
A Glen Earrach
presentation was planned but representatives did not arrive as expected.
Local Place Plan (LPP) presentation
and discussion with Nick Wright.
Community consultation meetings took
place with general public and school children, online submissions and a final
meeting with the school pupils council on 27 November. In the interests of
being open and transparent, all comments were summarised by Nick Wright (NW)
and circulated at the meeting with his feedback suggestions. In summary, of
those people who did respond to the consultation, most agree with the LPP
vision and the eight actions. Finalisation for submission to Highland Council
(HC) although no pressure to agree tonight.
NW talked through his summary,
receiving comments and questions from those councillors and members of the
public present.
Too brief; not enough detail or explanation
For clarity, action points and action matrix
to be on the same page
Environment to be added as a vision ambition
following several comments from community
Additional actions for young people
Additional actions for managing visitors
Clearer actions for rebalancing the community
Affordable homes: for whom? what type? rate of
build per year - important for organic growth to avoid detrimental impacts of
an influx
Community facilities to include resilience
Whilst recognising that a heated swimming pool
was proven to be unfeasible, an action for a wild pool is to be added to allow
for further discussion and consultation amongst the community.
Transport actions to be clearer to include
walking and cycling
Clearer actions for elderly care in the
Actions for intergenerational care and
● Develop
a mechanism for accountability to the community for delivery of the LPP
There are a number of options to
consider in regard to the final point. Council decided that they would first
finalise the plan for submission to HC before issuing to the community at a
launch event. The community would be asked for their priorities and a delivery
mechanism determined.
The council learned of the recent
death of Carol Pritchard who had been FAGC councillor for many years and was
Chair for a time, and offered its condolences to her family and friends.
Rachel Hayes has resigned as
Councillor. Unanimous agreement for James Prince to be co-opted onto the
Previous Minutes:
Proposed by LF seconded by JF
Matters Arising:
Inchnacardoch Bay
This matter is not proceeding owing to a multitude of solicitors unwilling to
take instructions from the community council. A member of the public offered to
supply details of a potential replacement.
Scottish Canals - a
meeting with the area manager is warranted in order to progress complaints and
promote partnership working.
Aire site - CP reviewed information on
the HC website. Scottish Canals permitted five motorhomes on a site by being
licenced through an organisation such as Camping & Caravanning. The licence
does not allow for any infrastructure. DM reiterated her comments that she felt
it was inappropriate to be so close to a school.
Long term complaint (>3 years) of
water leaking from lock onto Canalside North. A nuisance in summer but
treacherous in wintry weather.
Speeding in Fort Augustus - DF
advised that traffic speed analysis is currently being undertaken at various
points to determine levels of compliance with the 20mph restriction. A resident
pointed out that none was being undertaken at the brow of Market Hill and the
20-30 changeover. Comments were made that there appeared to be an issue with
weekend speeding.
Treasurer s Report:
Current balance remains at 7214.78
with 1500 ring-fenced from Community Company towards solicitor costs. Signage
for Inch Bay and hosting for the website approved for reimbursement.
The Bank of Scotland is closing
Treasurer accounts and proposing to transfer us to a Community
account. This has increased transaction fees. MA looked at alternate providers
but fees are all similar. Council agreed to transfer to a community account as
proposed and remain with the Bank of Scotland.
Planning Applications Validated 29/10/24 25/11/24
Ref: 24/04605/FUL
Location: 2 Lovat Terrace Fort Augustus PH32 4DN
Proposal: Single storey extension to create a
larger kitchen and new shower room Applicant: Lovatter
Notes: Replacement of part-width extension and
external store with full-width extension on rear. Accompanied by Listing Building Consent
application 24/04606/LBC.
Ref: 24/04336/FUL
Location: Land 160M NE of The Old Convent Fort Augustus
Proposal: Construction of paths
Applicant: Fort Augustus and Glenmoriston Community Company
Notes: "To provide approximately 780m of
appropriately surfaced access paths to encourage broader use of the land by local
residents, including those with mobility challenges: the elderly, disabled individuals, and parents with young
children. The paths are to be constructed in accordance with the Outdoor Accessibility
Guidance and designation of Zone B Informal, moderately managed landscape. With path widths,
gradients, and crossfalls according to this and other established accessibility
guidelines. "
Ref: 24/04578/PAN
Location: Land 350M North of Newtown Invergarry
Proposal: Temporary workers residential
accommodation, including welfare facilities, associated infrastructure and other ancillary
Applicant: Balfour Beatty
Notes: Temporary accommodation for up to 350 workers for Skye Reinforcement
Renewable Energy Projects:
Balfour Beatty planning application
to extend the site accommodation for workers.
Councillors attended consultations on 13 November at FA village hall to
voice reinstatement concerns and issues with lighting. Questions raised about
traffic, impact on health services and environment. Follow-up consultation on
11 December.
presentation at next Community Council meeting at Glenmoriston Millennium Hall,
Invermoriston on 29th January 2025
Community Amenity Issues:
Achnaconeran Road - still no
Drains blocked in various places
throughout Fort Augustus. Can be reported online at the HC website for those
that are not online please contact DM about them or street lighting
problems. DM had reported ones that she
knew about
Toilets in Fort Augustus were closed
for repairs without notice of alternative arrangements, inevitably leading to
worsening of the already recorded issues with human fouling experienced in the
A suggestion was made for the
community council/company to make use of the tourist information board located
in front of the toilets. (Originally paid for by the now-defunct FAGGBI)
Kate Forbes and DF had both written to
David Summers today regarding the early service bus between Fort Augustus and
Street lighting is off in several
parts of the village including the Free Church Hall area. Hopefully this will
be addressed when the Christmas lights are installed.
Christmas trees have been sourced and
will hopefully arrive by the end of the week.
Complaint from a resident that Abertarff was not cleared from snow and ice and they had
been unable to leave their home. This appeared to be a timing issue with the
weather changing for the worse after the caretakers had finished for the week.
Council requests that in these circumstances, able-bodied residents make use of
the various grit bins to assist their neighbours.
A resident reported that there are at
least 10 newly-padlocked gates in upper Glenmoriston that were not locked last
year, making through-routes along tracks inaccessible. The access officer
Stewart Easthaugh is to be contacted.
Ness News is in production for
distribution by end of the week or early next week. There was the usual influx
of articles just before the deadline causing difficulties for the design of the
newsletter. A suggestion was made that the submission deadline be brought
forward by 5-7 days to ensure the designer had enough time before the print
Mini-bus was booked for transporting
the Fort Augustus seniors to the Christmas event.
LF advised that the ditch adopted at
Redburn needs to be drained, and requested that the gritter needed to go up the
hill more regularly.
The Community Company is talking to HC
to install stanchions beside the private fencing at Bunoich
Brae to facilitate the necessary handrail.
Next meeting is at the Glenmoriston Millennium Hall, Invermoriston on 29th January 2025 at 7.30pm.