Fort Augustus & Glenmoriston Community Council

Draft Minutes of meeting Held at Glenmoriston Millennium Hall

28th August 2024



Deirdre MacKinnon - Chair (DM)

Helen Clay - Vice Chair (HC)

Mike Anderson - Treasurer (MA)

Claire Pegrum - Secretary (CP)

Clare Levings (CL)

Jenny Findlay (JF)

Daniel Clark (DC)

Leanne Findlay (LF)

Cllr. David Fraser (DF)



Cllr. Chris Ballance (CB)

Rachel Hayes (RH)


Minute Taker: Claire Pegrum


Previous Minutes:

Proposed by HC seconded by CL


Matters Arising:

Redburn Traffic DM Attended a meeting with local residents and Heather Masterton (HM) from Highland Council. HM initially suggested T lines at entrances and double yellow lines. It was also noted that the road needs resurfacing. Letters have been received from a local resident and the owner of the cows. These expressed concerns that BEAR s proposed solution of bollards or the provision of double yellow lines will displace parking to even less suitable places such as property and field entrances, the Redburn Caf car park (a concern also expressed by the owner of the Redburn Caf ) or further along the road causing pedestrians to be walking along the carriageway. It was suggested that a layby be provided along with No Stopping restrictions on the carriageway. BEAR are to be asked to consider this additional information and to make proposals to the Community Council (CC). The CC is also waiting to see HM s detailed proposals.



Janitor s House - The Community Company are making preliminary enquiries with respect to taking over the house. Ideally the CC would like to see the house occupied by a teacher, but not if this meant it being empty for periods when not needed by a teacher.


Empty Homes CP has sent a list to the Highland Council s Empty Homes Officer but no reply has been received. DF to follow up. Concern was expressed at the number of houses converting from permanent homes to holiday lets at least eight in Fort Augustus this year. DF suggested that a Short-Term Let Control Area may need to be introduced in the Loch Ness area.

Glenmoriston Estates - Currently in the hands of solicitors Ongoing


Achnaconeran Road Highland Council has advised that measures to divert water are to be installed. Thanks was expressed to the Community Caretakers for cutting back the overhanging trees.


Parking Highland Council has advised that a case may be made for a traffic warden for Fort Augustus next year. Loch Ness Highland Resort is offering paid-for bus parking but it is believed that some bus companies would be unwilling to pay the fee. Concern was expressed that buses may be using Ardachy Road to access it.


Invermoriston Toilets Contractor has been appointed and works have started.


Fort Augustus to Drumnadrochit Bus Although CC has been advised that the bus taking pupils to Drumnadrochit is a service bus and not a school bus, it was noted that the bus is picking up in the car park, not at the bus stop as it should do if a service bus.


Inchnacardoch Bay A risk assessment has been undertaken. The recommended signage is to be ordered and installed. The pontoon may be taken by someone who can make use of it. DM has been in contact with solicitors.



Treasurer s Report:

The account balance is currently 6,667.95


Renewable Energy Projects:

DM has been in contact with Ian Kelly re planning application advice and help with community benefit negotiations.

DF outlined the Social Value Charter for Renewables Investment which has recently been approved by Highland Council. The recommended annual benefit is to increase from 5,000/MW to 12,500/MW with 5,000 going to the project s local community and 7,500 going into a Highland-wide central fund. This will be a voluntary scheme; there will be no legislation to enforce it. Highland Council s Renewables Policy suggests that payment should be made from the time of consent or the start of construction as that s when disruption starts.


Planning and Licensing Applications:

None validated in CC area since last meeting


Community Amenity Issues:

Scottish Canals - DM to ask for meeting with Scottish Canals to discuss overuse of motorhome stopover area, bridge being swung too often and when boats are too far away and general maintenance around locks.



The results from the Local Place Plan community survey are available and will be published in Ness News and online.


There were mixed views on the standard of work in connection with the installation of the Highland Broadband cabling. However, it was noted that if problems are raised they will be addressed by the contractor.


It is considered that the 20mph restriction should be extended to the south end of the village as vehicles are overtaking once they reach the end of the 20mph restriction in an area of limited visibility due to the dip in the road near The Old Convent. The Highland Council are currently consulting on the 20mph zones. DM to respond. DF to request speed data and discuss possibility of speed camera with Transport Scotland.


The give-way at Tarff Bridge does not work well due to limited visibility. It was suggested that it could be signalised if the Ride Ness development goes ahead. DM to contact Highland Council.


Millfield - the give way sign needs putting back up and there are drainage problems. DM to contact Highland Council.


A member of the community asked how to contact the Community Caretakers. They were advised to contact the Community Company.


LF attended an online workshop on the Highland Council s first Ecology Strategy. The Highland Council will be seeking nominations for Local Nature Conservation Sites. It will also be working with schools.




There is flooding at Redburn due to a blocked ditch. LF to liaise with DF.


The Highland Council Access Officer has responded to the Ride Ness planning application asking that the footpath between Fort Augustus and the site be upgraded to a 3m wide tarmacked shared surface. The CC considered that this would urbanise the appearance of the Borlum Bay area. CP to submit further response to Ride Ness planning consultation stating CC s objection to this request.


Concern was expressed at helicopters landing at Loch Ness Highland Resort. It is considered that this is too near houses for this is occur regularly. Lodges are being advertised for sale with the benefit of being able to arrive by helicopter. This means that the site would have no control over how often helicopters would fly to and from the site and may become in breach of the regulation which requires helicopter landing sites to have planning permission if they are used more than 28 days per year. DF to investigate.


Concern was expressed about the number of bins on Free Church Road outside the village hall. It is thought that residents of Free Church Road are keeping their bins there permanently instead of taking them home after emptying. It was previously thought that the bins belonged to the village hall, however they do not.




Next meeting is at the Memorial Hall, Fort Augustus

on Wednesday, 25th September 2024 at 7.30 pm