Fort Augustus & Glenmoriston Community Council

Draft Minutes of meeting Held at the Memorial Hall,

Fort Augustus on the 27th March 2024



Helen Clay - Vice Chair (HC) Mike Anderson  - Treasurer (MA)

Claire Pegrum - Secretary (CP)

Clare Levings (CL)

Jenny Findlay (JF)

Daniel Clark (DC)

Leanne Findlay (LF)

Cllr. David Fraser




Deirdre MacKinnon (Chair)

Rachel Hayes

Cllr Chris Ballance


Minute Taker: Barty Jones


The meeting was chaired by Vice-Chair Helen Clay in the absence of Deirdre MacKinnon


Previous Minutes:

Proposed by CL seconded by LF


Matters Arising:

Redburn Traffic - Ongoing

Janitor’s  House - DF is in contact with someone in the Highland Council regarding the Janitor’s house to become available for use of teacher’s working in the school, and if that is not possible to consider selling it to the Community Company.

Glenmoriston Estates - DM has contacted Stewart Easthaugh, the HC Access Officer who has given an update and is pursuing a breach of planning from Glenmoriston Estate - Ongoing

A82 - DF and DM have both been in contact with Ken Hossack at BEAR about the imminent danger of the tree falling opposite Dalreoch who have taken it up with the owner.

Oich Road -  Ongoing

Ardachy Road - Road has finished being resurfaced

Fort Augustus Public Toilets - DF to get the up-to-date income for the last year try and stress the necessity to the Community Company on dealing with the ongoing issue with Public Toilets - Ongoing

DM has emailed Phil Waite, Outdoor Access Manager about the Viewcatcher on the GGW and an officer will be put to assess it this week, over concerns of it rotting and becoming wobbly.

Achnaconeran Road - DM has emailed John Taylor and Alan Johnstone, HC Roads Operations about a sleeping policeman on Achnaconeran road in Invermoriston.

DM also mentioned blocked drains at The Riggs and Abertarff Place in Fort Augustus. The drains at Abertarff Place have been done.

Invermoriston Toilets - Ongoing

Battery Storage - Ongoing

Dog Fouling - DM will be in touch with Nicola MacEwan, the HC dog warden over concerns about the amount of Dog fouling occurring around the village, She has informed us that if you see anyone doing it take a photo and report it. CC discussed the idea of getting a local Dog Warden to go round the village.

DM has spoken to the general manager of Penny Petroleum and discussed the pipe into the River Oich which has always been there for rainwater from the canopy but is just more visible due to the works being carried out. There's a 3 stage interceptor installed for any fuel spillage.

DM spoke to Daniel Preston at BEAR about the pavements not being cleared when icy or snowing.  He is going to contact the Community Company to come to an arrangement with them. DM also mentioned the water and silt on the bridge footpath which he was aware of and looking for a way to improve what was installed there.


Police Report:

The CC have not received any Police Reports.


Treasurer’s Report:

The account balance is currently £6,010.15

On the 27th of March a cheque was made out for £80 for payment for the minute taking.


Renewable Energy Projects:

Tomchrasky - The letter CC has received offering money does not say when it is going to start. CC discussed whether they want it to start during construction or when it starts operating and who would negotiate the amount. CC discussed hiring some professional help with negotiations. DF to contact them suggesting to put a copy of the documents which contain extra information, which are available in the Millennium Hall, in the shop for the public to see.

Dell Windfarm contacted the CC wondering if they want to meet them, as none of the turbines are in this area CC declined.

Coire Glas - CC has been invited to attend the next liaison Group Meeting in Invergarry. JF offered to go.

Millennium East - Want another 8 new wind turbines. They are having another consultation in September.

Loch Kemp Pump Storage - JF and DM attended a meeting with Stratera (Loch Kemp Pump Storage). Stratera has agreed to come to a community council meeting in April or May and put an article in the June edition of Ness News.


Planning and Licensing Applications:

Planning Applications Validated 28/02/24 – 26/03/24

Ref: 24/00550/FUL

Location: Bridge Of Oich Cottage, Invergarry, PH35 4HN

Proposal: Change the use of and extension of barn for storage, into a mixed class for retail/food/assembly and leisure (Class 1A)(Class 3)(Class 11)

Applicant: Mrs Sarah McPhee

Notes: Small cafe, retail and creative workshop targeted at walkers and boaters


Community Amenity Issues:

Resilience Group - There has been a meeting with representatives of the Highland Council and SSE to make up a resilience plan and get a general consensus, there will be further meetings.

Inchnacardoch Bay - DM has emailed Innes and MacKay, solicitors about the deeds for Inchnacardoch Bay. CC discussed concerns over the liability of Inchnacardoch Bay and came to the decision that they would write to the Community Company, informing them that the Office Bearers are no longer willing to accept this liability and if Community Company don’t agree to take ownership of it then the issue will be raised at the AGM in May or a special meeting caused which could lead to dissolving the CC. Ask DM to write up letter.



Culachy have put up a sign notifying that you can’t go up to waterfalls because of the fallen trees. 

Loch Ness Highland Resort have been putting up signs without permission regarding their lodges for sale. They have been notified.

Holiday Let Licences - Concerns raised about what the Council are doing to deal with people who are advertising without their licence number.

Beauly-Denny Power Lines - Wood group is finishing off the noise monitoring and they have notified SSEN that it is one of the components making the noise. SSEN to make sure not to put any towers up with the noise. SSEN now has staff to deal with any noise issues.

Road outside Bunoich Crescent and at the junction at Jenkins Park and Auchterawe at the village hall car park there are two steel water mains neither of which have caps on. Gavin Steel at Scottish Water to be notified.

HC to email Scottish Canals regarding the state of the Canal.

The Community Council Annual General Meeting will be on Wednesday, 29th May 2024 at 7 pm at the Memorial Hall.


Next meeting is at the Memorial Hall, Fort Augustus on Wednesday, 24th April 2024 at 7.30pm