Fort Augustus & Glenmoriston Community Council meeting
Fort Augustus Memorial Hall 27th April 2022
Members present:
Deirdre MacKinnon - Chair (DM)
Iain MacKnocher - Vice chair (IM)
Helen Clay - Secretary (HC)
Mike Anderson - Treasurer (MA)
Jeff Dymond (JD)
Jill Wyatt (JW) via Teams
Cllr Margaret Davidson (MD)
Cllr David Fraser (DF)
Apologies: Robert MacDonald (RM)
Attendees: Iain Leaver FAGCC (IL)
Patrick Ungless (Glenmoriston Millennium Hall Committee)
Previous Minutes: Proposed by MA Seconded by DM
Matters Arising:
Invermoriston Toilets - It was agreed that the meeting on the 12th April regarding the toilets in the Glenmoriston Millennium Hall was very productive and clarified what was happening going forward. PU stated that work is scheduled to start on the toilets on 9th May and hopefully the toilets should be ready to open to the public 8 weeks after work commences. There will be disruption to the car park while the work takes place.
GIG - The HC are still responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of grass, trees, lairs, repairs etc. at Invermoriston and Dalchreichart cemeteries. At Riverside Park, FAGCC community caretaker to do fortnightly cuts May - September. JD said that if the Community Council had been consulted, as it should have been, then higher fees from the HC would have been asked for.
Sheltered Housing - It was noted that the grass is needing cut; Highland Council said it was the responsibility of the Telford Centre but MD says it is the Highland Council. Peter Kelly to be contacted by HC.
Broadband – Ongoing.
Glenmoriston Estate - Ongoing
Medical Centre - Problems with Sunflower carers gaining entry to the upstairs rooms. IL said that the NHS lease the whole of the medical centre from FAGCC but the doctors sublease the downstairs for the surgery. MD to speak to locality manager about services that can be offered. DF to send details about the NearMe service which isn’t being offered.
Allotment space - HC spoke to the community caretakers about the spare piece of land that Highland Council own but haven’t touched for about 20 years which would be ideal for community allotment/garden. MD to speak to Highland Council about gifting it to the community.
Police Report: 1 call regarding a 1 vehicle crash between Fort Augustus and Invermoriston 1 call regarding a vehicle crashed in a field between Fort Augustus and Invergarry 1 call regarding a pedestrian struck on the arm by a passing vehicle on the tone bridge in Fort Augustus. The bridge is well signposted warning pedestrians of the dangers of passing vehicles Small number of calls regarding dangerous driving. 1 call for public protection, a member of the public was worried about a lone female hitch hiking 2 calls regarding the well being of a member of the community No reports of drug or alcohol misuse No reports of dishonesty Treasurers Report Balance as of 27th April 2022 £4280.49 Community Amenity Issues Roads DF- Transport Scotland Roads A82-A87. They have been working on correcting the problems on the corner by the shop in Invermoriston, the crossing for pedestrians and drainage to be sorted. Traffic calming coming into Invermoriston from the west to be looked at. Traffic speed and safety improvements - no plans to put in speed reductions at the moment however the Invermoriston to Fort Augustus accident ratio is above trigger level so they will be looking at whether safety improvements are required. They will be doing a survey of the footpath coming out of Invermoriston towards Fort Augustus. They haven't updated the accident statistics to include last years but once they do that it may trigger more safety alerts.
Treasurer’s Report: Balance as of 27th April 2022 is £4280.49
Community Amenity Issues:
Roads DF- Transport Scotland Roads A82-A87. They have been working on correcting the problems on the corner by the shop in Invermoriston, the crossing for pedestrians and drainage to be sorted. Traffic calming coming into Invermoriston from the west to be looked at. Traffic speed and safety improvements - no plans to put in speed reductions at the moment. However, the Invermoriston to Fort Augustus accident ratio is above trigger level so they will be looking at whether safety improvements are required. They will be doing a survey of the footpath coming out of Invermoriston towards Fort Augustus. They haven't updated the accident statistics to include last years but once they do that it may trigger more safety alerts. DF suggests that the 3 community councils along the A82 form a working group to lobby on this and get support from the local councillors. Drainage improvements will be ongoing.
Renewable Energy Projects:
Fred Olsen (Culachy) - there will be visibility from parts of the Corrieyairack and parts of the A82. RES was refused permission before on appeal for visibility and the turbines will be taller. Turbines 220m high need to be lit at night, light goes at top of tower, not blades. Still at the consultation stage.
Bhlaraidh extension proposal - Highland council are not objecting after extra conditions put on mainly regarding access and safety.
Cloiche coming up in June, community benefit to be broached before planning re planning gains for roads etc.
Auchterawe Substation GLC meeting on 16th May at The Lovat.
Planning and Licensing:
22/01626/FUL Erraid, Canalside - change use to letting unit
22/01271/FUL Rowanlea Auchterawe - Erection of log cabin (retrospective)
There is a campervan site on Forestry land at Auchterawe though the Community Council hasn’t been informed of any planning regarding it. Forestry to be contacted by DM. Loch Ness Highland Resort signage has gone back up on the A82, DM contacted Allan Bryce of HC who will contact Mr Girvan.
Pier - People still parking on double yellow lines, DM to speak to Shane Manning about when they will be charging for parking.
Scottish Canals - HC to contact Scottish Canals about the slipway at the pier viewpoint which has been crumbling away for years and has been fenced off. Also will be asked about the garden at Caledonian House which is an eyesore. IL stated that FAGCC are in contact with Scottish Canals about taking over Glentarff House and turning it into two flats FAGCC - IL stated that they are in very early stages of talks to take over the Memorial Hall from the Highland Council as it hasn't been opened for a few years and it would be a shame if the building was sold off as another gift shop/tea room. The village needs the service point and registrar’s opened again.
Jubilee Weekend 3rd June - There will be a charity quiz night in the village hall; on the 4th June there will be a Senior Citizens Jubilee Afternoon Tea at the village hall. Also on 4th June in Glenmoriston Millennium Hall there will be live music in the evening and on 5th June there will be a street party in the recreation field at Riverside Park.
This was Margaret's last meeting as our Highland Councillor - DM to organise a meal out for the CC to say thank you for all she has done for this community over the years.
The AGM will be held on 25th May at 7pm in the Memorial Hall with the general meeting after at 7.30pm.