Deirdre MacKinnon (DM) Chair
Helen Clay (HC) Secretary
Mike Anderson (MA) Treasurer
Hilary Wilson (HW)
Claire Pegrum (CP)
Cllr Chris Ballance (CB)
Iain MacKnocher (IM) Vice-chair
Jeff Dymond (JD)
Robert MacDonald (RM)
Cllr David Fraser (DF)
Proposed by MA and seconded by CP
Roads - road markings ongoing.
Glenmoriston Estate - ongoing, with legal dept
Scottish Canals - The garden at Caledonian House has been tidied up a little but there is still more to be done. HC to contact Ailsa Andrews again.
Oich Road - DM to get back in touch with Shane Manning.
Minute taker - still looking for a minute taker. HC will keep taking the minutes until we get someone else.
Total balance as at 25th January was £4751.32 of which £3000 is ring fenced for village signage.
The Police report is now being sent from Inverness Community Beats. The community council feel that it is more like a publicity report for the police than a report on this area. DM to email Judy Hill, the Area Commander. We would also like a member of the local police to come to the CC monthly meetings as they used to previously as we haven't had anyone come for 3 years.
Etape - road closures for this year (Malcolm Sutherland)
Melgarve Consultation - 9th February 2023
No updates. CP to keep an eye on correspondence etc from the windfarms
There was an Auchterawe CLG meeting before Christmas, DM to email Ryan Davidson about a local leaflet/newsletter for the area for better communication of what is happening at the substation.
22/05955/S36 – Tomchrasky
Wind Farm – Erection and operation of a windfarm comprising 14 wind turbines
with a maximum blade tip height of 185m, up to 50 battery storage units,
anemometer mast, access tracks, four borrow pits and associated infrastructure.
Land 3200m NW of Dalchreichart cemetery.
22/05686/FUL – Erection of anemometer mast and associated infrastructure of up to 80, in height for a period of up to 36 months – Land 4670m NE of Glenloyne Cottage, Cluanie Estate, Glenmoriston.
22/05598/FUL – Installation of patio doors and roof window – No.3 The Courtyard Cottages, The Highland Club.
22/05602/PNO – Erection of agricultural building – Achlain Farmhouse, Glenmoriston
· A82 meeting - ongoing. DM to push for signage and markings. New 20mph speed limits to be introduced in villages between May/July this year.
· Riverside Park and Millennium Hall - Permission is needed from Highland Council before bids can be put in to the windfarms for grants for the play equipment. CB and DF to chase up and class as a priority.
· Christmas Lights - A string of lights for Invermoriston is missing and a new connection needs to be put in.
· Streetlights – No lights at the top of canalside up to Bruce’s Buildings, also no grit bin at that location. DM has emailed John Taylor, Alan Johnstone and Neil Fraser, all from the Highland Council but is waiting on replies. There are also a lot of potholes there which makes it even more dangerous pedestrians.
· Hardware Store - FAGCC are taking over the hardware store and it will now be known as Tarff Trading.
The Community Council Annual General Meeting will be held on 31st May 2023 at the Memorial Hall. DM to ask Stephen Gibson to audit the accounts.
· Christmas Gathering - The Christmas Gathering was a great success, everyone involved in organising it, did a fantastic job.
· Elsan Tipping Point - all ready for use, signage needed (Highland Council)
· Sunfower Home Care - The first electric vehicle for this service arrives in a few days time, two more will be following . These have been provided by FAGCC.
· Ness News - Dates for any news, be in by; 1st March, 1st June, 1st September, 20th November.
· Lower Bunoich - a resident had contacted the Community Council about people parking in this area, parking will be monitored but it is a public parking area.
· Potholes - There are many potholes in the village. DM has contacted the relevant dept again.
· Abertarff bus shelter - The shelter still hasn't been replaced after being knocked down last year. The bus shelter in Invermoriston also has a panel missing. DM to email John Taylor.
· FAGCC - The Community Company have taken over the Kirton Memorial but have not made a decision about Inchnacardoch Bay.
· Invermoriston Shop - FAGCC are giving £38k grant so the shop can reopen, they are planning to be open by 1st April. A steering group is being set up and shares will eventually be open to local people.
· Community Tuesday – This event in the Millennium Hall is doing extremely well.
· The Gathering - Joyce Gilbert is running a drop in at Fort Augustus Village Hall 2-4pm funded by Beinneun Windfarm.
· Dogs - The police were informed of an incident between dog owners in the Convent Wood, the dog warden was also contacted.
· Fort Augustus Toilets - HC had once again asked FAGCC about taking on the toilets. They will look again at a later date as they have a lot of ongoing projects
· Abbey Gardens - footpath covered in moss/leaves etc and is very slippy.
· Dalcataig - Potholes at entrance to road.
· Beinneun Community Trust – MA to stand down as director.
· Fern - grant applications to be in by 28th February.
· St Columba’s Well - Lynne West has contacted BEAR twice about the fencing around the entrance as it needs replacing. DM to chase up.
Next meeting will be on 28th February 2023 at 7.30pm at Glenmoriston Millennium Hall.