Fort Augustus and Glenmoriston Community Council
Draft minutes of the Fort Augustus and Glenmoriston Community Council Meeting held on Wednesday 23rd of February 2022
Members Present:
Deirdre MacKinnon - Chair (DM)
Iain MacKnocher - Vice Chair (IM)
Helen Clay - Secretary (HC)
Jeff Dymond (JD)
Jill Wyatt (JW)
In Attendance:
Margaret Davidson – Councillor (MD)
David Fraser – Councillor (DF)
Rachel Baird - Fred Olsen Renewables (RB)
Kirsty Leiper - Fred Olsen Renewables (KL)
Felix Paterson - Fort Augustus and Glenmoriston Community Company (FP)
Mike Anderson
Robert MacDonald
Note Taker: Jade Marie Douglass.
1. Previous Minutes:
The minutes were proposed by HC and seconded by JW
2. Matters arising:
Glenmoriston Estate: No updates.
Invermoriston Cemetery: JW had asked around after the last meeting and said that someone brought up that the gates seem to be very heavy and hard to move.
Felix brought up that the current people doing the cemetery work for the Highland Council and are limited on what they can do. They are hoping to take someone on for that job and take over that contract themselves and they can also do Dalchreichart Cemetery.
Sheltered Housing: MD had two meetings regarding the Telford Centre and getting them to start checking in on the residents in the housing. MD will keep trying to get more meetings in place.
Home Carers: Recruitment needed.
Invermoriston Toilets: There was a meeting on the 22nd February but neither the Community Council nor the Community Company had received invites.
JW said that the meeting was about moving forward and what was happening.
Roads: Resurfacing works to take place before end of March
Canalside: DM and FP to meet Scottish Canals next week.
Scottish Water Presentation: No Updates
3. Police Report: Awaiting
4. Treasurer’s Report:
A cheque for Ness News of £1440 was cashed on 4th February
£1500 is ring fenced for the interpretation board and the account stands at £3820.49. Felix will put on the agenda at the next Community Company meeting the possibility of taking over funding the Ness News.
5. Community Amenity Issues:
Glenmoriston: DF brought up road safety issues, Torgoyle bridge, footpath and layby would be granted and that has been written into the requirements for the SNCN and DF got in touch with Transport Scotland to also get involved.
Rock Falls on A82: DF asked for people if they see even small rock falls near or on road to get in touch so professionals can keep an eye on it.
Double yellow lines outside Richmond House Chinese Restaurant: DM brought up that people are still parking right outside the Chinese; a permanent traffic arrangement was brought up and everyone seems to agree to let that go ahead.
IM said that it was agreed in a previous meeting to repaint the line that’s there and then we can then also put in a permanent traffic arrangement as the road traffic order can take months to go through.
6. Renewable Energy Projects
Culachy Wind Farm:
RB and KL presented:
They gave an overview of the up-and-coming wind farm at Culachy, and the plans so far are at a very early stage.
They talked about the visibility and access issues that were brought up by public and previous meetings.
Visibility wise they are hoping to have no visibility from the main carpark in Fort Augustus.
MD brought up that the forestry tracks on the Great Glen Way would be high enough to possibly see the wind farm which has been an issue raised in the past and is something they will investigate further.
JD brought up if aviation lighting will have to be used on the turbines due to being 220m tall. RB said that they will be in touch with the Civil Aviation Authority about this and suggested possibly having a cardinal scheme where only some of the turbines are lit not all of them however it is still very early stages and there isn’t yet an agreed lighting scheme.
The access route they are wanting to use will have two forms of access they will be getting their blades brought up from Kyle of Lochalsh so coming along the A87 and then the A82 and the towers will be coming from Corpach, Fort William which will also be coming up the A82.
They would like to work more closely with the community and create the best community benefit fund that would suit us.
They will have their first round of exhibitions on the 20th of April at Glengarry Community Hall, and also on the 21sl April at Fort Augustus Village Hall 11am -8pm.
Bhlaraidh: Planning has been approved
7. Planning and Licensing:
Retrospective planning for two buildings within the grounds of the White House, one being a shed for laundry and another for personal use and the owners have been given until the 15th of March as they had not been submitted. Email had been sent to DM
22/00505/FUL Muir Pit Auchterawe Fort Augustus, Retrospective application for extraction of sand and gravel for on-site construction work.
22/00342/MSC Ty Rhedyn Auchterawe Fort Augustus PH32 4BW, Erection of house.
22/00564/PNO SW of Tomcrasky Farmhouse Dalchreichart Glenmoriston, extension of forestry road (410m)
22/00289/FUL 350m North of Newtown, Invergarry, Formation of campsite, erection of shop and café building, shower and toilet blocks, parking and access.
8. Correspondence: Various Highland Council and BEAR emails
9. AOB:
Felix from the Community Company came on to talk about the Platinum Jubilee Weekend happening from the 2nd - 5th June whete funds are available from the 3 Glens Resilience Recovery Fund to help any groups wanting to put on a function for the Jubilee Weekend. A few suggestions were shared, one suggestion was having an event at Invermoriston and possibly putting the Trooping of the Colour on the big screen and have teas and coffees, and then having the same kind of event in Fort Augustus in the afternoon for soup and sandwiches.
Another idea that was brought up for the 3rd was where some trees had been felled in the Convent Wood due to being unsafe and there were plans on turning them into wooden seats to have around the area in the Convent which could be used to give the youngsters a picnic type event.
Street Parties were also discussed for Abertarff, Jenkins Park, Caledonian Court, Riverside Park and The Riggs. Each of these events would have their own budget.
He will come back at a closer time to discuss further but these were just ideas that were put forward to see what other people think about such events that weekend.
DM has been struggling to get the bank signatories changed since MA is now Treasurer. It’s been difficult to get in touch with the bank for any helpin this matter and might possibly start looking into a new bank account.
Caledonian House seemed to be looking a mess, will get in touch with Caledonian Canal.
HC brought up subject of the campsite (Loch Ness Highland Resort) again and how loud things have been. Felix offered to bring it up at the next Community Company’s meeting and invited DM and HC.
JW had got an email about possibly getting faster broadband and has asked them for a full breakdown of costs to cover the Glenmoriston area and that could come back in up to 60 days. DF brought up some of the difficulties that these schemes can cause and possible other options residents could choose.
The next Community Council meeting will be held on Wednesday 30th of March 2022 at Fort Augustus Village Hall