Fort Augustus & Glenmoriston Community Council
Draft Minutes of meeting Held at the Memorial Hall,
Fort Augustus on the 26th June 2024
Deirdre MacKinnon - Chair (DM)
Helen Clay - Vice Chair (HC)
Mike Anderson - Treasurer (MA)
Claire Pegrum - Secretary (CP)
Clare Levings (CL)
Jenny Findlay (JF)
Daniel Clark (DC)
Leanne Findlay (LF)
Cllr. David Fraser (DF)
Cllr. Chris Ballance (CB)
Rachel Hayes (RH)
Minute Taker: Barty Jones
Previous Minutes:
Proposed by HC seconded by CP
AGM Minutes proposed CL seconded by JF
Matters Arising:
Redburn Traffic - Ongoing
Janitor s House - Highland Council are prepared to undertake a community asset transfer with the Community Company. DF to provide more details for the Community Company.
Glenmoriston Estates - Currently in the hands of solicitors - Ongoing
Oich Road - Concerns over parking. DF to send reminder - Ongoing
Achnaconeran Road - DM has emailed the Highland Council regarding, sleeping policemen and lines in need of re-doing from Tarff Bridge to the Abbey, but has not heard back Ongoing DF to send a reminder
Fort Augustus Public Toilets - DM has been in touch with Highland Council who say they can t get funding for more toilets, and whether someone could be in attendance at the toilets.
Concerns over entrance in main car park as not wide enough for buses which can result in blocking traffic and bumps. DF notified CC that Transport Scotland are doing a survey and will be looking at the problem.
Concerns over buses double parking and blocking car charging areas - DF to assess all concerns and make a report.
Dog Fouling - Community Company have put up signs on the green at Abertarff stating that it is a children s play area. The CC have considered a request that the area be used for dogs, but have collectively decided that it remains a children s play area and dogs do not have access to it.
A request was made for some facilities for the children s area, such as goalposts. DM to contact Community Company to see if they can help.
Invermoriston Toilets - Awaiting quotation and description of work that needs to be done for the septic tank. As water levels have dropped there has been discussion about opening the toilets to the public on a trial basis, the main issue is whether they are going to be cleaned and are waiting to see if the Highland Council will be able to provide cleaners at this stage. - Ongoing
DF notified DM regarding the situation with road closures at Invermoriston due to accidents and buses not going to the car park to pick up passengers. Stagecoach have come back stating that they will instruct their drivers to pick up passengers in the main car park. However, CityLink stated that their buses cannot safely turn in the car park and advised passengers to check live tracking on social media. CC has asked DF on how passengers without WiFi can access this information and on how other buses can get in the car park. DF to raise issue with CityLink.
DF notified CC that the bus taking pupils to Drumnadrochit is a service bus and not a school bus. Concerns over numbers at Kilchuimen school, DF suggested contacting Nick Wright to make a business case to put to the Highland Council, taking into account housing for teachers, transport for the children and the necessity to have a school. DM to invite Nick Wright to a CC meeting.
Treasurer s Report:
The account balance is currently 5,832.95
Once cheques for minute taking have cleared the balance will be 5,712.95
Money from Etape has not come through yet.
A cheque for 45 will be made out for DM for flowers for accounting.
Police Report:
CC has received a Police Report exactly the same as the previous report.
Renewable Energy Projects:
CC are in the process of finding professional help to negotiate payment amounts with energy projects happening in the area. DM to get a hold of prospective negotiator.
Glen Earrach Energy Ltd - It has been brought to the attention that Glenurquhart CC are going to be paid for the development. Though the vast majority is within Glenurquhart CC s area, DF notified that a project that massive will have impact upon surrounding local communities. Glen Earrach Energy Ltd have said they will come back and do some more voluntary exhibitions prior to putting in pre application notice and are willing to go to local communities. DF to invite them to come to a CC meeting.
CC have received an email from SSEN saying they will be doing some survey work around the substation in preparation for a 400kV upgrade. Concerns over SSEN not looking after the landscaping in Auchterawe and Coire Glas.
Planning and Licensing Applications:
Ref: 24/01535/CLP
Location: The Highland Club Proposal: Change of use from store to office
Applicant: Santon Highlands Limited
Ref: 24/02580/FUL
Location: Glenara, Canalside North Fort Augustus PH32 4BA
Proposal: Erection of extension and decking
Applicant: Lisa Maltby
Notes: Enlargement of existing extension and wrap-around raised decking
Community Amenity Issues:
Inchnacardoch Bay - DM has sent a copy of the deeds and a map to the Community Company, the CC are waiting to hear back. MA notified CC that he has not heard back from the Highland Council regarding them helping do risk assessments. MA to email David Campbell to ask if he would write the risk assessment. The CC discussed the necessity of getting rid of the pontoon ASAP. DC has offered to make enquiries.
Concerns over too many caravans parking together in car park behind school fence, also concerns over caravans parking overnight in the main car park. DM to contact Scottish Canals.
Issue raised over the difficulty of turning at the Caledonian Canal Centre junction onto the A82. DF has spoken to Transport Scotland who has said that they are going to survey it.
Issues over cars not slowing down through Invermoriston. DF notified the CC that there have been discussions over reducing the speed limit to 30mph between the bridge and the junction. DF notified CC that in autumn, the Scottish Government have a consultation paper coming out regarding speed limits for rural roads which he encouraged everyone to respond to.
The CC discussed speeding and overtaking in the village and also about extending the 20mph speed limit throughout the village.
The CC also discussed having signs that warn drivers that they are approaching the bridge. DF to ask Transport Scotland.
About eight houses on Achnaconeran road are concerned about how an extra eight bins are going to be stored. There was no clear solution.
Issue raised over a lot of overhanging trees along Achnaconeran and Dalcataig road. Query raised over whether the local caretakers could help, or to contact SSE.
Question was asked whether there was a community event planned on Hogmanay in the village, there is currently not.
The Fire Service has asked whether CC wants any input into the future of the fire service. CP will circulate.
BEAR will not be closing the A82 on the election day, (4th July)
Highland Council have developed a local living tool and want to consult CC on their opinions on it.
A local resident has suggested CC should join the Highland Environment Forum and sign up to the Highland Charter for Climate, Nature & Health and take part in the Highlands and Islands Climate Festival. CC suggested it was more for the Community Company to deal with.
CP has made up a list of empty homes, the CC discussed and narrowed down the list and will send list to the Empty Homes Officer.
The gym in the Highland Resort is opening on 1st July.
Issue raised over the number of potholes in the car park in Invermoriston.
CC notified that there have been calls wanting to see the burial ground in Invermoriston improved.
Decision needs to be made over whether to have a fence around the play park in Abertarff Place.
A query was raised over what happens to the car park money. DF notified the CC that it is allocated to Inverness City Committee who agreed to allocate it to the ward, it will go to the four councillors with information regarding what area made what. DF will suggest that the money should go to the communities where the money was raised and ask for suggestions on how they choose to spend it.
One-way street in the front of the village along the canal side is becoming a problem with lorries parking to unload their goods blocking traffic and stopping parents from dropping off kids at school. CC suggested marking off a layby be used for loading and to ask business owners to direct lorries so they don t block the road.
Member of the public notified CC about coordinating some litter picking along the A82 but Highland Council have stated that it is too dangerous. DF will ask.
BEAR Scotland have abandoned a lamppost, DF to have a look.
Concern over sewage being pumped into Loch Ness which is a water source for homes. DF assured that the water is controlled by SEPA and goes through septic tanks to give it treatment and filtration.
Next meeting is at the Millennium Hall, Invermoriston
on Wednesday, 28th August 2024 at 7.30 pm