Fort Augustus & Glenmoriston Community Council
Memorial Hall Fort Augustus 25th October 2023 – 7.30pm
Deirdre MacKinnon (DM) Chair
Helen Clay (HC) Secretary
Claire Pegrum (CP)
Clare Levings (CL)
Cllr David Fraser (DF)
Mike Anderson – Treasurer
Cllr Chris Ballance
Inaugural meeting of Fort Augustus & Glenmoriston Community Council:
Convened by DF. Nine vacancies with five people elected. All community councillors
stood down.
DM stood for re-election as Chair. Proposed by HC seconded by CL
HC stood for re-election as Secretary. Proposed by DM seconded by CP
MA stood for re-election as Treasurer. Proposed by CP seconded by DM
Iain MacKnocher to be an associate member specialising in renewables – Proposed
by DM seconded by CP
Previous Minutes:
Proposed DM seconded CP
Matters Arising:
Redburn traffic -
Cars and tourist buses are causing a safety hazard when stopping
to look at the Highland cows. Transport Scotland will put up bollards and a clear way
notice for no stopping, they are not willing to advise for a lay-by. DF to contact
Transport Scotland to confirm the Community Council are happy with the
proposal and to go ahead. DM to email all small tour operators after confirmation
from Transport Scotland to inform them of the changes. We will monitor how
things go.
Glenmoriston Estates Access -
Stewart Easthaugh has contacted the estate and informed them that Highland
Council is now taking legal action about the access.
Scottish Canals -
HC had contacted Ailsa Andrews concerning how often the canal bridge had
opened during the season, sometimes letting through just one boat. Ailsa advised
that the canal had been busier than before and also that there has been a lot of
ongoing maintenance. Scottish Canals have also repaired the pipe at the viewpoint.
Dropped Kerbs – ongoing
Oich Road - ongoing. Heather Masterton of Highland Council to come out to see the problems.
Village toilets – ongoing
We are no longer receiving any kind of communication from the Police. We have
been told that it is due to a change of operational procedures.
Treasurers Report:
As of 25th October 2023, the balance is £6,138.15 which includes £546.83 payment
from Highland Council and ring-fenced monies.
Culachy (Fred Olsen) – application due to go in. A representative will be at a future
Community Council meeting (date to be confirmed).
Coire Glas – Mike Seaton will now be Director of Development for Coire Glas and
will attend the CLG in December.
Community Amenity Issues:
Ardachy Road
Canalside has been patched up again but badly needs complete resurfacing.
Housing – empty housing association houses seem to be taking a long time to be
allocated when the need for social housing is still high. The janitor's house is still
empty and could be used for teachers at the school.
Food Larders -
There are 3 local food larders set up by FAGCC, Fort Augustus, Dalcreichart and
Invermoriston. These are to help people in need and to help stop food waste. Donations of food,
(non-perishables) and toiletries and household goods are always welcome.
Remembrance Sunday -
DM to order the wreaths
Minute Taker -
Th CC are still looking for a minute taker for the Community Council meetings which is a paid position - DM to ask senior school pupils.
Next meeting – November 29th 7.30pm Memorial Hall Fort Augustus